Creating a Relaxation Zone


After a long and exhausting day, your body and mind need to regroup, relax and recharge. But sadly, that isn’t what they always get. Even with good intentions, once you get home, it’s easy enough to get swept up into more commitments, chaos, and technology. But by creating a relaxation zone, you can force yourself to unplug and unwind. Create a relaxation zone in your home as part of your home renovation project with some of these ideas in mind.

Create a space that is inviting

If each individual room throughout your home represents some form of individual chaos, clearly these are not going to be in any way conducive to relaxing. You need to create a designated relaxation space that will easily lure you in when your mind is pressing on to do more. First of all, find a room or space that can be your space to Zen out in. Then, start to get creative with how you can make it soothing and comfortable. Consider placing your favourite chair beside a bright window. Throw down a cozy rug and some oversized pillows to reinforce those mellow vibes. Add some soothing candles and essential oils to enhance that calming ambience. It really doesn’t take much to create a soothing and inviting space.

Make it your own

Once you’ve incorporated some soothing elements into your space, make it your designated spot that no one else can invade. That means that it can’t become a spare room or space for clutter to get thrown, it can’t be a space where the kids are allowed to barge in and play, it can’t be a space that is used for any other purpose other than for you to relax and unwind. Make it yours.

Remove Technology

One of the important aspects of having a relaxation zone is to have it as a designated “Dead Zone” meaning, keep technology out of the equation. Try to correlate your relaxation time as a time to also unplug. Remove any televisions or smart devices. Also, if you have a modem that happens to be located close to your relaxation zone, relocate it. Make this a designated “Dead Zone” for any form of tech gear, aside from maybe a CD player to provide some soothing music.

In today’s hectic, overworked world, finding – or rather, making – time to relax is so important. Without this, we get stressed out and burnt out. Make relaxation a priority by creating a zone or space in your home that is welcoming and conducive to this. It really doesn’t take much. You can get started by using some of these simple ideas.  Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427