Exterior Home Renovation – Deevy Street, Barhaven

Exterior Home Renovation - Deevy Street, Barhaven
Exterior Home Renovation - Deevy Street, Barhaven

Exterior Home Renovation – Deevy Street, Barhaven

Our team recently worked on an exterior home renovation at Deevy Street, Barrhaven, that turned out quite well. Not only were our clients stunned at the way their exterior home looked so organized, but our team was also in great surprise by the final result.

For this exterior home renovation, there were several things that we had to keep in mind to move forward. Since we were working with such a compact space, our first step was to plan effectively. For this reason, we decided to first make a cement patch in the area our clients wanted to use as an exterior part. Once this was done, the place looked much more organized and sorted.

Our next step was then to spruce up the front door of the house a little bit. This was done by installing a dark, blue-colored door that gave rustic classic vibes that added a lot of character to the place without any major changes.

For the wall of the exterior porch, we decided to go for a brick wall. The brick wall is always a classic, and it complemented well with the blue-colored door. It is also important to remember that the brick wall stretched across the entire length of the porch and not just the door side, making it seem all classier.

Once these changes were done, our next plan of action was to work on the window. We decided to go for a huge window that covered most of the wall from the center. Then we added a white windowsill with clear glass. The window looked aesthetic, and the porch overall, when finalized with some patio furniture, it truly looked exactly how the clients dreamed of it to look.

If you are also looking for a renovation like the one at exterior home renovation at Deevy Street, Barrhaven, then Renosgroup is just the place for you to go to. Call us now on at (613) 727-9427 or fill out this online form for a free quote.

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