4 Things to Consider When Doing a Bathroom Reno

Things to Consider When Doing a Bathroom Reno
Taking on a bathroom renovation can be a grueling project, but one that’s worthy of the effort – especially if you ever consider placing your home up for sale. It can bump up the resale value, and of course, boost the luxury of your interior. But before you begin knocking down walls and removing the toilet, there are some important things to consider when doing a bathroom reno. Here’s what they include:

Do you have an alternative bathroom to use?

Remember, once you begin that renovation to your bathroom, it will become inaccessible for a while. So using the toilet, sink, and shower won’t exactly be an option. That’s why before getting started you should figure out a plan for these important necessities. Whether you have a second bathroom to use, or the neighbour is kind enough to let you use their shower, make a plan for bathroom usage so that you won’t end up stuck when it really matters. Bathroom Renovation Ottawa - Pellan Cres

What sort of functionality will you need?

Is this going to be a primary guest bathroom or one more so for your own personal use? This is important to determine so that you can think about the layout and functionality of the bathroom. Are you looking to create a luxurious, spa-like getaway in the comfort of this bathroom, or is it merely an additional one to free up your primary one during those hectic mornings? This will help you determine whether a bathtub is necessary or not, whether two sinks are necessary or not, along with other design features that will create your desired space.

Will you need storage incorporated into the design?

If you live in a condo or are simply limited on space, you know that any potential for storage is important. Think about how and where areas for storage can be incorporated and how you can optimize space for those essential toiletries.

What is your budget?

Determining your budget is the safest way to keep your expenditures at a range that won’t shock you once everything is completed. A bathroom reno project can quickly turn into one that ends up costing much more than anticipated, especially with all of the high-end décor items and fancy faucets that look so tempting at the home décor store. In order to avoid serious temptation and stick to what you can afford, create a budget before you begin shopping for your remodeling items. Bathroom renos can be a big undertaking, but they can also be fun! Consider each of these factors first before jumping ahead with your Ottawa bathroom renovation.  To learn more things to consider when doing a bathroom reno, don’t hesitate to contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427