4 Most Popular Home Additions


Just because you’re in the midst of change – maybe it’s a baby, maybe your kid is coming back from college, or maybe you need to keep an eye on your aging parents – it doesn’t mean that you have to start house hunting. More and more people are realizing that by staying put and instead, creating an additional space in their current home, they can save money, have more room and still enjoy their own neighbourhood and the home that they’ve worked hard at creating over the years.  Whether you need the extra space or simply want it for a home improvement upgrade, here are a few of the most popular home additions that might provide you with the inspiration that you’ve been waiting for.

The Kitchen

The kitchen is the focal point in just about any home. It’s also one of the best upgrades you can invest in that can provide a solid ROI in the future if you ever do plan to sell. If you’re interested in opening up your kitchen space, take comfort in knowing that it’s an investment worth making.

The Bathroom

Aside from the bathroom also being one of the most used rooms and profitable areas to upgrade, it can also be one of the most necessary ones. If you have other family members staying with you and only one bathroom to share, this can quickly turn a living situation into an uncomfortable nightmare. With a great ROI and an even greater reason to build – you can’t go wrong with this one.

The Bedroom

If you’re expecting a baby, or if your kid is all grown up and moving back home from college then an extension to a bedroom might be necessary. Plus, this is always great for family or guests when they need a place to stay during the holidays or special occasions. Aside from the bedroom, you can even upgrade your master suite and create that luxury bedroom that you’ve always dreamed of.

Second or Third Storey

If you’re really keen on having more room, but are set on staying, adding on a second or third storey can still be well worth the investment rather than engaging in the process of moving. And with an average ROI that’s around 70 percent, you can create that additional income suite or even a den for the kids to enjoy knowing that’s it’s a worthy investment.

You don’t have to consider moving when you’re in need of more space. If you’re attached to your current home and neighbourhood, then why not consider a home addition instead? You can avoid the hassle of moving, increase the value of your home, save money in the long run, and create the home of dreams.  Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427