5 Small Ways to Prepare Your Home for the New School Year

5 Small Ways to Prepare Your Home for the New School Year

Back to school time can be a little hectic and stressful for everyone involved. These tips are ways to prepare your home for the new school year and get everyone back on a regular schedule with minimal aggravation.

Create A Study Space

First things first, you’ll need to find a place in the home to create a space for them to work and study. Often their bedroom is the perfect spot, so you may have to do a little re-organizing to fit a desk and chair. If their bedroom is too small to create a work station, consider setting one up in the den, finished basement, or another quiet area of the home that doesn’t have a TV or other distractions readily available.

Make The Space Fully Functional

Your goal is to get your kids to work from an established space instead of from their lap or in front of the TV. To keep them focused and to spark their creativity, space will need to be comfortable and functional. You can also help to boost their productivity by putting up a pinboard or calendar to help them keep track of their deadlines, trips and after-school activities.

Establish Limits

Even when you create a study area for your kids, your home can quickly turn into their dumping ground if you let them. To avoid having papers, binders, backpacks, and books left scattered in every room of the house once school starts, you should establish simple limits to where your kids can work and study. Creating specific areas for their shoes and sports equipment will also help to keep your home under control.

Build Some Storage Space

Another way to ensure your home and their study space stay tidy and organized is to build some shelves or drawers for them to store their books and supplies neatly. If you’re tight on space, consider adding shelving in the closet area, drawers underneath the desk, an ottoman that could double as a storage trunk or a wall rack behind the door for your kids to utilize.

Get A Routine Going

It’s important to establish a routine early that will teach your kids how to keep themselves organized and tidy. A great way to do this is to create a checklist for them to follow every morning and before they go to bed. This could include things like putting shoes away, tidying up desk area, putting backpack by the front door and so on. Then give them an incentive for getting their checklist done like extra time for their video games or on social media sites.

At the RenosGroup.ca, we can help you build out the perfect study space. Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427 today!