
Should You Renovate Before Listing Your Home for Sale? 

You have had your house for some time now and made a great life for yourselves in it. But now that it’s time to move, how much will you get back on your investment? It should come as no surprise that the better the condition of your home, the more modern the design, and the more energy-efficient, the better your chances of getting the full value of the property.  So – Should You Renovate Before Listing Your Home for Sale?

The simple answer is yes, you should choose renovation projects that make sense for your budget, that will be noticed by potential buyers, and that will improve the resale value of your home. Save the big ambitious projects for your next home, and try to stick to renovation ideas and décor choices that have universal appeal.

Red Flag for Buyers

When potential buyers walk into the house, they are looking for red flags. A red flag may be a huge substantive issue, like a massive visible foundation crack or water spots upstairs that may hint to a roof leak. In this case, potential buyers are right to turn away. However red flags can also be small things that drop the desirability of your home when compared with competing properties. These red flags will vary from buyer to buyer, but yes, it could be things like your structurally sound but aesthetically hideous 80s kitchen, or your ratty old living room carpet keeping you from getting an offer.

Every time a potential buyer spots a red flag, they are mentally reducing how much they would be willing to pay for your home – if they’re even interested in making an offer at all.

Renovation for Resale

If you are planning to sell your home, there are many valid reasons to do a renovation project beforehand. Whether it’s small DIY fixes like upgrading cabinet hardware or a massive overhaul project, remodelling will make your house more attractive to buyers and improve the resale value of your home.

Inspiration from the House Hunt

Since you are likely looking for a new home at the same time, why not take inspiration from other homes that you see online or during showings? What features make your jaw drop, and what do you not even notice? Let’s say you always appreciate a clean, well-organized entryway. Well, this would be an easy improvement project that you can do in a weekend. On the other hand, what if homeowners spent thousands installing new cabinetry when a simple reface would have made you happy?

Potential buyers will always look at floors, countertops, paint colour, appliances (even if appliances aren’t included in the home). Other features are tricky. Potential buyers will point out hideous light fixtures, and beautiful light fixtures – but they won’t even notice regular, run of the mill light fixtures. So there’s an area you can save money. Likewise, they will notice grotesque stained carpet, and admire beautiful glossy hardwood floors, but if you have regular clean carpet you’re fine.

BONUS TIP: While a DIY approach is appropriate for some small projects like upgrading to LED light bulbs, be careful about any project where sloppy work will show. For example it is easy and affordable to install new shower tiles, but if the tiles are crooked and grout is uneven, potential buyers will not be impressed and all your efforts will go to waste. Work with a qualified contractor in Ottawa and get professional results.  To learn more about whether you should renovate before listing your home, don’t hesitate to contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427

Transforming Your Basement – On a Budget

When we start remodeling our houses, it is common to go over budget – especially if you have a budget that is unrealistic to start with. Let’s say you want to construct a basement bar with a sink hookup, recessed lighting, and a solid cherry wood bartop – fantastic! And you want to do it all for $750 or less…not so fantastic. Still, it is possible to transform your basement on a budget.

Get Multiple Estimates

Do not settle for the first estimate that you get. For one, if you ask around, you may discover that the first estimate was wildly off-base – or you may discover that the first contractor got it exactly right. Just remember, you are not looking for the lowest price – you are looking for the most comprehensive estimate that sets out a plan to achieve your renovation goals at a price that fits your budget. Working with a contractor like, you will be able to get better prices because we can leverage relationships with our trade partners, without sacrificing quality or attention to detail in any way.

It’s wise to seek several estimates before finalizing your basement renovation project. This ensures you have a good understanding of market rates and project complexities. Here are some tips:

  • Contact at least 3 reputable contractors: Ask friends, family, or neighbors for recommendations, or search online review platforms.
  • Clearly communicate your vision and budget: Provide detailed plans and specifications to ensure accurate estimates.
  • Compare apples to apples: Ensure each estimate covers the same scope of work, materials, and timelines.
  • Ask questions and clarify doubts: Don’t hesitate to ask about qualifications, insurance, warranties, and payment terms.
  • Consider value, not just price: Choose a contractor based on experience, expertise, communication style, and trust, not just the lowest cost.

Basement Renovation Ottawa - Westport Crescent

STICK to Your Budget

On the one hand, your budget shouldn’t be a loose target. It should be calculated based on the material and labour needs for the project, and going thousands over budget without an explanation is not OK. On the other hand, having the whole project grind to a halt because you can’t afford new subflooring is not ideal, either. You also need to allocate your budget wisely – if there is a limited pool of funds, then fixing up a foundation crack comes before buying that breathtaking $8000 coffee table. Therefore, it is all about balance. If you can’t afford your dream renovation quite yet, there is nothing wrong with saving up for another year until the finances make more sense.

Here are some tips to navigate this balancing act:

  • Plan realistically: Account for labor, materials, permits, and potential contingencies (10-15% buffer).
  • Prioritize essentials: Allocate funds to crucial aspects like waterproofing, insulation, and safety features first.
  • Explore cost-saving alternatives: Research DIY options, compare prices, consider repurposing materials, and seek discounts.
  • Communicate openly: Discuss potential changes with your contractor and explore adjustments within your budget.
  • Embrace adaptability: Small modifications, like substituting materials or delaying non-essential features, can save costs.
  • Don’t overstretch: If your dream renovation requires exceeding your budget significantly, consider postponing it until finances align.

A successful basement renovation requires not just creativity and planning, but also financial discipline. By following these tips and adapting them to your specific project, you can achieve your vision while staying true to your budget.

Always Hire Professionals

Always hire professionals. If you go for a company or contractor that has less than adequate experience then it is likely that they might make some mistake which costs a fortune to correct. Don’t throw away good money! Hiring a professional and experienced contractor in Ottawa like RenosGroup will ensure you get the best service, no compromises. You can save money in the long run because you won’t have to worry about disasters down the road caused by poor quality workmanship.

Here are some reasons why hiring qualified professionals is crucial for a successful basement renovation:

  • Knowledge and experience: Professionals possess in-depth knowledge of building codes, safety regulations, and best practices for basement construction and renovation.
  • Quality craftsmanship: Their expertise ensures proper installation of materials, adherence to construction standards, and overall project quality.
  • Problem-solving skills: Professionals can anticipate and address challenges efficiently, minimizing costly delays and rework.
  • Insurance and warranties: Reputable professionals offer insurance and warranties, providing peace of mind and financial protection.
  • Time efficiency: Their experience and equipment enable them to complete projects efficiently, saving you time and potential frustrations.

Choosing the right professional is key. Conduct thorough research, obtain multiple quotes, and verify licenses, insurance, and references before making your decision. While the initial investment may seem higher, the long-term benefits of quality workmanship, project peace of mind, and potential cost savings from avoiding future issues can be significant.

Renovations First, Accessories Later

Once the main renovations are done, you can always get furnishings down the road when money is not too tight. Buy one piece at a time as the budget allows until your basement is perfect. Soon enough you will have a beautiful basement for all to enjoy and it will be worth every penny you invested.

Once the core renovation of your basement is complete, it’s tempting to fill it with furniture and decor right away. While creating your dream space is exciting, remember:

  • Prioritize functionality: Ensure the essential elements like lighting, flooring, and storage are in place before decorating.
  • Start small and be patient. Furnish gradually, focusing on key pieces that fit your budget and needs.
  • Embrace multi-functionality: Opt for furniture that serves multiple purposes to maximize space and budget.
  • Get creative with DIY: Upcycle and repurpose existing items to add personality and save money.
  • Accessorize strategically: Use accents like plants, artwork, and rugs to personalize your space without breaking the bank.

A well-designed basement doesn’t require everything at once. By prioritizing and taking your time, you can create a beautiful and functional space that reflects your style and budget, one step at a time.

Remember, Quality Matters

While transforming your basement on a budget is crucial, remember that quality should never be compromised. Here’s why:

  • Durability: Opting for cheap materials or labor often leads to costly repairs down the line. Quality materials and proper workmanship ensure longevity and save you money in the long run.
  • Safety: Subpar electrical work, poor waterproofing, or faulty construction can pose serious safety hazards. Investing in qualified professionals and quality materials prioritizes the safety of you and your loved ones.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing your basement is built with quality materials and craftsmanship provides peace of mind and allows you to truly enjoy the space without worries.
  • Increased value: A well-constructed and well-maintained basement adds value to your property, making it a worthwhile investment.

A word of caution: do not compromise on quality of material or quality of labour – ever. Repairs will be more expensive than the few dollars you saved going with the cheapest option.

Get in touch for your FREE estimate or give us a call at (613)727-9427 to learn more about our basement renovation services.

5 Challenges You Can Expect With Your Remodel

If you have ever remodeled your house before, you know it can be a stressful but ultimately rewarding process. After all, there is nothing quite like owning the house of your dreams – no matter what it looked like in the beginning. But to get to that you need to go through financial stress, tough choices, unforeseen delays, and more. If you want to get through it all while maintaining you sanity, then keep calm and replace all ill-thoughts with the anticipation of the result.If you understand the challenges homeowners typically encounter and realize that it is totally normal – and completely worth it – the renovation process gets a little bit easier.  Here are 5 challenges you can expect with your remodel


Home renovations require drilling, hammering, scraping, chiseling, whirring, sawing…it gets noisy. If you don’t think you can handle the noise, ask family or friends if you can stay with them during the renovation process. Even though your home is your sanctuary, it doesn’t feel like it during the renovation process. Just keep faith that it will be over soon and peace and quiet will soon be restored.

Mess and Annoyance

It happens. You might want to kick all the workers out and just sit in silence in your living room for five minutes. It can be annoying and stressful to have people walking through your home, giant work boot footprints on your floors, dust in the air, and so on. Though we take care to protect your belongings, treat your property with respect, and clean up after ourselves, ultimately this is a construction site – it’s going to be messy. Try not to get hung up on what it looks like in progress, because we promise the final result will be clean, organized, and simply breathtaking.


Accidents happen, there are delays from suppliers, your countertop is delivered with a crack down the middle, and you discover a mould problem in the upstairs bathroom.  It can be stressful especially with so much on the line, but take a step back and trust that everything will turn out right in the end. You may not believe it now, but you’ll laugh at the setbacks and surprises one day.

Too Many Decisions

Under your roof you are the boss and with ownership comes a hundred questions. You will be making decisions you never made before along with the kind of faucets you need, how high shower head must be and many, many other decisions. How do I choose between Winter Linen and Aged Lavenderblush paint? Be prepared and know what you want because at the end of the day, it’s your call. But still do any research if required and ask your contractor for recommendations.

Showing it Off

When it’s all over, you have to show it off! Which should be fun, but planning a party when you just want to relax in your new space can be a bit of a headache. This can be a challenge, but once the party is on and you get to see the astonished looks on the faces of your family, friends, and neighbours, you’ll know the renovation was worth it.

There are many other things that you will come by but whatever it may be, it will be short-lived so take comfort in that. Happy renovations from your friends at!  Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427

Home Renovation Dos and Don’ts

Looking to transform a cookie-cutter house into the home of your dreams? A home renovation project can make it happen, but only if it’s well-planned and executed with attention to detail by a professional contractor. With that in mind, these are the most important things to consider when planning a home renovation project:

Don’t Go in Blind

You can imagine any renovation project in your head, but in reality it may not be so easy to execute. What starts as a relatively straightforward kitchen renovation, for example, becomes complicated when mould is revealed behind the walls or you discover that the electrical is not up to code. You might have $50,000 budgeted toward a project, but when roof repair eats up $10,000, a new LVL beam eats up $2,500…the budget disappears fast. Whatever you plan for your home renovation, make sure a) it’s feasible in real life, b) you have the budget to account for any unexpected expenses.

Don’t Do It Yourself

A home renovation project is not a weekend craft project or a hobby for when you’re bored. It is a serious, time-consuming, intricate process that should be done by pros. When you factor in electrical, plumbing, gas, and other dangerous components, it’s simply not worth the risk. Take a load off your shoulders and let the pros at do the work – you’ll be amazed at the results.

Do Be Flexible With Your Budget

As we mentioned above, renovations aren’t always straight forward even when you do everything possible to be prepared and cautious. No matter how much time and effort you put into planning the budget, there will always be unexpected costs. We recommend having at least 10%-15% buffer room with your budget so you can avoid delays and headaches and keep the project on track.

Do Be Flexible With the Completion Date

Deadlines are important, there is no doubt. However, with so many moving parts it is understandable that the project may be delayed. What would you rather – a project completed to perfection but three days late, or a sloppy (perhaps dangerous) project rushed to completion? Sometimes there are delays for safety reasons. Some delays are because of backed up material orders. In many instances, the homeowners themselves are the cause of the delay because of changing their mind or budgetary issues. Be patient – once the renovation is complete and you’re relaxing at home, you won’t give the delay a second thought.

Follow these home renovation dos and don’ts and your  project will go smoothly.  Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427

Planning the Perfect Basement Apartment in Ottawa

There are so many possibilities for your basement. Should you turn it into a guest room for when the in-laws visit? A kids’ playroom to keep them out of your hair? A home gym to finally shed off those unwanted pounds? Or a man cave to get away from it all? These are all attractive options, but have you given thought to turning your basement into an income suite?

Adding a basement apartment to your home in Ottawa will provide supplemental income which can go toward the mortgage, help pay for your retirement or your children’s tuition, or even finance a few winter vacations to hot tropical destinations. When planning the perfect basement apartment in Ottawa that will attract the right tenants, there are many things you need to know:

Understanding Building Codes in Ottawa

You can’t throw a bed in the basement and call it a basement apartment (also known as an income suite or secondary dwelling). For the city to approve the space as a habitable dwelling, it must have a separate entrance, the unit must be fireproofed, and so on. If you try to turn your basement into a separate apartment, you may miss things and be denied a permit. In working with a contractor, you can ensure that the apartment is entirely up to code and get a tenant in more quickly and bring in rental income right away.

Enough Natural Light

Ask anyone about the downsides of living in a basement apartment, and most people will point to the lack of light as a big concern. The City of Ottawa recognizes this concern for safety reasons (big windows = safe egress), but as a landlord you need to recognize the psychological benefits of light. In planning your basement apartment design, do everything you can to maximize the amount of natural light.

Enough Sound Insulation

The next biggest complaint people have about living in basement apartments in Ottawa is the sound of people walking (stomping?) overhead. This is a two-way street – you don’t want to hear your upstairs neighbour, and you don’t want your upstairs neighbour hearing your conversations through the air duct, either. Sufficient sound insulation between units isn’t only convenient – it’s required by building codes.

Enough Function

Most basements have limited square footage, and there is only so much you can with the space as you need to account for posts, electrical panels, the furnace room, perhaps a laundry room etc. If you’re starting from scratch, do everything you can to design a space with maximum function. A two-bedroom apartment will typically rent for more than a one bedroom, but not if the bedrooms are closet-sized, so don’t force it.

Planning the perfect basement apartment? Contact us, or give us a call (613)727-9427 to get the process started!

4 Signs You Need a Home Addition

If your home is not quite right, it can be hard to decide what to do. Do you move? Do you slap a coat of paint on it like putting lipstick on a pig? Do you try a slight remodel while trying to keep the budget in check? Or do you plan a home addition? These 4 signs you need a home addition may help

You’ve Run Out of Space

Is every morning a fight for the bathroom? Do you feel like sardines in a can trying to prep dinner? Do you have three kids stuffed into one bedroom, with an extra in a crib in the master? A home addition can solve all these problems. Whether your home addition includes a new master suite, new bedrooms for the kids, an extra bathroom, a bonus family room (or all of the above!) a home addition

You Love the Location, but Not the Home

You love your neighbours, you love the local park, and you love the nearby bakery that makes the world’s best lemon tarts. But the home is a bit of a disaster. So what do you do? If you don’t want to go through the uncertainty of hunting for a new house, the tension of negotiation, the panic of packing, the stress of moving…home additions can give your current home a new lease on life. You get all the benefits of a new house, while getting to stay in the place you have come to call home.

You Want to Add to the Resale Value of Your Home

If you’ve got the long-term picture in mind, then with every renovation and home improvement project you should keep the resale value in mind. How much of a priority it is depends on how long you plan to stay in your home, but a home addition can certainly add dramatically to the value of your home.

You’re Stuck in a Time Warp

If your home décor looks like it comes straight off the set of Bewitched or even Family Ties, it’s a clear sign that your home needs an update. Even though retro is back in style, cheap Formica counters, wood panelling, and peeling wallpaper are definitely not all the rage. While there are many options ranging from a quick facelift to a total home addition, updating your house’s style can be an opportunity to solve other issues at the same time.

If these or any other signs apply, give a call and we’ll guide you through the entire renovation project until your home is perfect.  To learn more signs you need a home addition, please don’t wait to get in touch for a free in-home consultation, or you can call us at (613) 727-9427.

Steel Door vs. Fibreglass Door Replacement

Your front door is the focal point of the entranceway to your home. A door that is in poor condition or lets in cold air during the winter can really take away from all the hard work you put into making your front yard and entrance look clean and inviting. For homeowners in Ottawa, fiberglass entrance doors are becoming popular because of their durability and their aesthetics. In older homes, steel entry doors were commonly used because they are sturdy and affordable. If you are thinking about replacing your entry door, here are the pros and cons of steel doors vs fiberglass doors:

Pros of Fibreglass Doors

Fibreglass doors are lightweight compared to their steel counterparts, making them easier to install. These doors are highly resistant to dents and warping. They are also energy efficient and can help you save money on your energy bills. They offer a sleek wooden look that is very desirable.

Cons of Fibreglass Doors

If your fiberglass door is constantly exposed to direct sunlight, delamination can occur. Delamination is the failing of the bonding between the insulation and the door skin. If your door frame is not the standard door size, you will need to have a manufacturing professional mold the fiberglass to fit your door frame’s shape, which will cost you extra money.

Pros of Steel Doors

Steel doors are a less expensive option than fibreglass. They are, of course, made of steel so they are very solid and secure. Steel doors are also energy efficient and will help you save money on your energy bills. Experts routinely report that upgrading to a steel door often has the best ROI (return on investment) of any home improvement project.

Cons of Steel Doors

Unfortunately, steel doors can face frequent scratching that can lead to rust, and paint chipping which will require routine maintenance from the homeowner. About once a year, you can lubricate the hinges with a small spray of grease or silicone. Steel doors conduct the temperature of the outside air, so the door will be hot to the touch during the hot summer months, and cold in the winter. While this may seem concerning, steel doors actually provide excellent insulation for the home.

When trying to decide between picking a fiberglass door or a steel door as your replacement, the first thing you should consider is your personal preference. Both doors offer similar pros, but there are big difference in their cons and how they look. Give us a call and we’d be happy to discuss the steel door vs fiberglass door debate. We’re here to help with all of your home renovation and home addition needs in Ottawa!  Please don’t wait to get in touch for a free in-home consultation, you can call us at (613) 727-9427.

New Year’s Resolutions For The Home

Every year brings the opportunity for change. In sticking with the holiday tradition of setting a New Year’s resolution, let’s review some of the things people consider doing every year but somehow never seem to get around to actually doing. In addition to some small changes, we will also review an inspection you should definitely get this year as well as a more expensive present that will give back for years to come. With that out of the way, let’s begin!  Here are some new years resolutions for your home:

Soften The Water

If your home has hard water, isn’t it time you soften it to reduce residue and buildup? Filtered water is fantastic for the shower, as it damages your hair less and provides a cleaner overall experience. In addition, getting a filter for your sink can improve the taste and remove any odour that may come from the water you are drinking. A simple, inexpensive, and incredibly beneficial change, consider this the next time you are making a New Year’s resolution for the home.

Roof Inspection

Do you know that the majority of homeowners are unaware that their roof requires minor fixes? Starting off as a small problem and growing into something that can cause thousands of dollars worth of damage, having your roof inspected by a professional can provide you the peace of mind that only comes when things like a leaky roof are not a problem. In addition, sealing up roof leaks can cut your energy expenses dramatically by reducing heat loss in the winter and A/C loss in the summer.

Paint That Room The Colour You Always Wanted

While some may love painting, the majority of individuals out there find it a chore. If you have been wanting to paint that room for a while now, make a New Year’s Resolution to finally do it, or resolve to bring in the pros to renovate the room. You will replace the thought of having to change what you see with a happy thought every time you see the new colour. It takes about a day of work to paint a room, but the refreshed look and feeling of accomplishment will endure for years.

Consider Solar Panels

A final consideration, solar panels for your property can help to reduce the amount of electricity you use and bottom out your utility bills during the sunnier months. While the initial cost may be relatively high, there are ranges of subsidies in place that help to reduce the cost to a more manageable amount. The province of Ontario also has great programs to incentivize the installation of solar panels and you can even sell some of the energy you produce, so it’s worth investigating.

Looking for more inspiration? The renovation pros at RenosGroup are here to help! Schedule a free in-home consultation and we can work together new year’s resolutions for your home.  Please don’t wait to give us a call at (613) 727-9427 to get the ball rolling. You can also use this form to request a free in-home consultation and estimate.

What Are The Most Overrated Home Renovations?

As a part of the entrepreneurial spirit that encapsulates 21st century Canadian homeownership, building additions and expanding the property are par for the course. However, not all renovations work out as intended. This can be seen in renovations done not as much for the delight of the current homeowner, but as a part of a large scheme to raise the value of the home prior to selling. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most overrated home renovations done for the sake of selling a home.

Installation of Pools And Hot Tubs

While both of these may seem like an incredible luxury and hence drive up the value of your home, they can both cost a lot of money. Plus, if the house sits on the market you’ll have to pay for maintenance and supplies until you sell the home. Unless conditions work out perfectly in your favour, prepare yourself to break even at best.

High-End Appliances

When renovating a home prior to selling, individuals sometimes make the mistake of putting in high-end appliances in an attempt to lure more people to buy and drive up the price. While this may theoretically work in a housing condition where buyers far outnumber sellers, the current market just doesn’t support it. More often than not, high-quality appliances will not add to the overall sell price. If you have a fridge and range from the 1980s by all means upgrade, but the emphasis should be on energy-efficiency, not luxury.


They say that the first impression of a home is made even before a person steps inside. This has led some to spend a great deal of money on fanciful landscaping in an attempt to drive up the sell cost. The thing is, many potential buyers see the surrounding land as something that they can address themselves, meaning that the overall value of the property does not change much even when a lot of effort is put in. What if you put in a koi pond, but a potential buyer envisioned a kids’ play structure there instead? Save the money and focus on having a clean and inviting yard instead.

Building Beyond Your Neighbourhood

Any home renovation that dramatically extends your home’s value beyond comparable properties in your neighborhood may create a problem when it comes to selling it. You want to have the best house in the neighbourhood, but it shouldn’t feel out of place.

If you are interested in home renovations and you want to spend your money wisely, then consider hiring a professional home renovator like RenosGroup. We know what renovations sell homes and which ones won’t have much of an impact. Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427 and we’d be happy to walk you through the process.

Creating A Desirable Income Suite In Your Finished Basement

Depending on the location, style, and underlying water table, a home may have either a partial or complete basement under the first floor of the home. While this space has been used in the past for storage and the occasional rumpus room, more and more homeowners are finding ways of turning the basement into a source of profit. How is this done? Let’s take a moment to find out.

The Basics of Converting a Space

While there is a great deal of variation, the typical basement space incorporates several different rooms that are below the first floor of the home. While lighting may be limited, the utility of this space is not. More often than not, water pipes and other necessary structure for quickly and affordably converting a basement space are already there.

In the City of Ottawa, there are several basic requirements for a basement apartment. These include safe egress, a fire-resistant door, a bathroom, sufficient natural light, minimum ceiling height, and so on. Your income suite must be safe and completely up to building code and fire code. Beyond this, you want to create a space that is attractive to desirable tenants.

Consider Hiring A Professional Contractor in Ottawa

During this process you will be hit by a range of problems that differ in the effort and skill required to tackle. You will also want to choose certain tasks to do first as they will either take the longest or be necessary steps to further work done later in the redesign. In either case, the best thing you can do for yourself is to consider hiring a professional renovation contractor.

What they will help you do is create a schedule of what needs to be done, what needs to be purchased, what is possible with the space provided, and how long everything might take. They may also know local plumbers and electricians, who will help you get your basement space up to code as its own separate apartment. Either way, with professional help you begin the process on solid ground and set yourself for success down the line.

With major considerations out of the way, you will want to re-evaluate your cost and consider special amenities. Perfect for attracting that ideal tenant, these amenities will help make your space an attractive potential location for tenants looking in your area. As a final consideration, take into account the quality of the work and materials in a 10 or 20-year plan consideration. Will it cost more now to install good quality fixtures or replace them between tenants? This, along with many other questions is a thing that a professional home renovation contractor in Ottawa like will be able to answer.  Please don’t wait to give us a call at (613) 727-9427 to get the ball rolling. You can also use this form to request a free in-home consultation and estimate.

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