3 Ways to Make Your Entrance Mobility Friendly

3 Ways to Make Your Entrance Mobility Friendly
If you or someone in your home has mobility challenges it is important to make your home as comfortable and mobility friendly as possible. For many homeowners the entryway can pose the biggest challenge for those with mobility issues. From steps leading up to the front door, to cramped, closed spaces in the foyer, there are a number of challenges your front entry can pose. Here are three ways to make your entrance mobility friendly:

Clear the Entryway

Maneuvering in small, cramped spaces is very difficult for people with walkers or wheelchairs. Take a look at your entryway and hall and look for anything that can be removed. This includes pieces of furniture, awkward mats and of course excess amounts of boots and shoes. When you remove clutter from the entryway you will open up the space so people will be able to move around more easily. Even someone who walks with a cane can be in danger of trips and falls with too much clutter. If space is very tight the professional renovations Ottawa contractors offer can knock down the front closet or walls to create extra space. mobility friendly entrance

Add Hand Rails

When you are well and able to get around unassisted you might not even think about holding onto hand rails. However, for someone walking with a cane or with balance issues a hand rail is a life saver. Hand rails should be placed wherever there are stairs, steps or changes in levels. This will allow people to grasp onto something to help them safely enter your home. Hand rails should be placed both outside leading towards the door and inside to assist with coming and going.

Add a Ramp

Ramps can make getting into a building so much easier for people in wheelchairs, using walkers and scooters. Ramps are affordable renovations Ottawa home owners can install for easier access to your front door. The professional renovations Ottawa contractors offer will help transform your entry making it mobility friendly. Arrange for a consultation for more suggestions on how your home can be made more comfortable for those with mobility challenges.  To get in touch to schedule renovations, you can fill out an online form or give us a call at (613) 727-9427.