4 Common Reasons to Plan a Home Addition

4 Common Reasons to Plan a Home Addition
Planning a home addition to your house can be a significant project to undertake, but it can also be the best solution that can provide you with the room and comfort that you need so that you can avoid another big move. That’s one of the main reasons why more and more people are opting for home additions, too.  If you’re considering adding space to your house but feel unsure whether it’s the right decision for you, here are four common reasons to plan a home addition  

Provides you with more space

Of course, it goes without saying how a new addition will provide you with some much-needed space. But just think about how much it can benefit you both now and in the future. Whether you are (or will be) planning to have children down the road, this could be the perfect way of incorporating more room into your house now and avoiding a massive move in the future.  

Stay in the neighbourhood

It’s easy to get attached to the neighbourhood that you’re living in. So rather than having to move, building more space into your current living space will allow you to stay put and enjoy the place that you’ve grown to love.  

Treat yourself to some personal space

Sometimes, it’s okay to be a little selfish. And sometimes that means having a space to call our own. If your house doesn’t have enough room to provide you with a space to relax and enjoy, then maybe it’s time to think about yourself. Creating a new suite, or even a den – whatever you desire, can be incorporated with a new addition to your home. So you can stay put, avoid an aggravating move, and have a space to call your own.  

Increase the value of your home

If you do happen to decide to move from your home in the future, you can bet that the new addition that you create will only add value to it. No matter what you decide to turn that space into, having that extra room with treat you well when it comes to your return on investment if you do decide to move in the future. So if you’re on the fence about committing to a new addition, take some time to really think about how it will benefit you in the long run. Aside from the obvious extra room, you can avoid a potential move in the future; you can create your own personal space, all the while adding more value to your home. Read more about our Ottawa home additions services or book a free in-home consultation!  Or give us a call at (613)727-9427