4 Signs You Need a Home Addition

4 Signs You Need a Home Addition
If your home is not quite right, it can be hard to decide what to do. Do you move? Do you slap a coat of paint on it like putting lipstick on a pig? Do you try a slight remodel while trying to keep the budget in check? Or do you plan a home addition? These 4 signs you need a home addition may help

You’ve Run Out of Space

Is every morning a fight for the bathroom? Do you feel like sardines in a can trying to prep dinner? Do you have three kids stuffed into one bedroom, with an extra in a crib in the master? A home addition can solve all these problems. Whether your home addition includes a new master suite, new bedrooms for the kids, an extra bathroom, a bonus family room (or all of the above!) a home addition

You Love the Location, but Not the Home

You love your neighbours, you love the local park, and you love the nearby bakery that makes the world’s best lemon tarts. But the home is a bit of a disaster. So what do you do? If you don’t want to go through the uncertainty of hunting for a new house, the tension of negotiation, the panic of packing, the stress of moving…home additions can give your current home a new lease on life. You get all the benefits of a new house, while getting to stay in the place you have come to call home.

You Want to Add to the Resale Value of Your Home

If you’ve got the long-term picture in mind, then with every renovation and home improvement project you should keep the resale value in mind. How much of a priority it is depends on how long you plan to stay in your home, but a home addition can certainly add dramatically to the value of your home.

You’re Stuck in a Time Warp

If your home décor looks like it comes straight off the set of Bewitched or even Family Ties, it’s a clear sign that your home needs an update. Even though retro is back in style, cheap Formica counters, wood panelling, and peeling wallpaper are definitely not all the rage. While there are many options ranging from a quick facelift to a total home addition, updating your house’s style can be an opportunity to solve other issues at the same time. If these or any other signs apply, give RenosGroup.ca a call and we’ll guide you through the entire renovation project until your home is perfect.  To learn more signs you need a home addition, please don’t wait to get in touch for a free in-home consultation, or you can call us at (613) 727-9427.