4 Things You Can Do With an Unused Room

Things You Can Do With an Unused Room
Got an unused room in your home? Whether your children have all moved out or if it’s just an empty space that’s never been given much attention, it can be challenging to figure out how to put it to good use. To help inspire some ideas, here are some things you can do with an unused room so you can finally transform it into something that you can use and enjoy!

A Guest Suite

If you have family members or friends that come to stay with you on a regular basis — maybe over the holidays or during summertime —  your unused room can be the perfect guest suite for them to stay in. Even if you already have an area for them to crash in, this spare room can offer more comfort and space so they won’t feel so isolated or shoved in a corner. This can also really come in handy if your child comes back to visit from college over the spring or summer break.

A Home Office

If you or your spouse work from home, even part-time, having a desk that’s stuck in a cramped corner of your living room isn’t exactly an ideal set up for being productive. Instead, why not convert your extra room into a home office? With a few minor updates, you can create the perfect comfy office space that can provide plenty of room for a larger desk without having to endure the commotion from a common area.

A Zen Room

Whether you enjoy practising yoga, meditation, or just kicking back with a good book, having a cozy Zen-type of room can give you the peace, calm, and quiet space you need just to chill out and spend some time alone doing what you love. You can install some plush carpet, a comfy chair for reading, and add any other items to help you Zen out and recharge.

A Creative Space

If you’ve been dreaming of getting more in touch with your creative side, whether it’s painting, photography, crafts, or more, an unused room can give you the space you need to get those creative juices flowing. You can also get as creative with this space as you like, so don’t be afraid to add some bold colours to the walls and some funky features. With some personalized space and the right equipment that you need to work, you can have the perfect spot to let loose and get crazy with some arts and crafts at home. No matter what you decide to do, at RenosGroup.ca, we can help you transform your unused room into something that you’ve been dreaming of. We can even help you plan it out just as you like it. With our experienced craftsman on hand, we guarantee you’ll receive the best workmanship and service. Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427 today to learn how you can get started!