5 Ideas to Greenify Your Home

5 Ideas to Greenify Your Home
If you’re eager to get on board with sustainable living, there’s never been a better or more important time. Taking small, individual steps are fundamental to improving the health and welfare of our planet. And adopting habits that positively affect our environment can be easily implemented into your everyday life. Here are a few ideas to greenify your home this spring.

Reduce Water Consumption

We’re all guilty of wasting far too much water – whether it’s ignoring that leaky faucet, leaving the tap on while brushing, or taking long showers. But when you consider that over 700 million people around the world don’t have access to clean water, it makes you realize how much we take it for granted. Reducing your water consumption can be achieved in many different, simple ways. For example, if you have a leaky tap or toilet that you’ve been ignoring, these items alone can waste a whopping 10,000 gallons of water per year.  So start by having any leaks fixed, switch to a low flush toilet, and reduce the duration of your showers.

Use Upcycled, Sustainable Materials

Using upcycled or sustainable materials in your home is another great way to greenify your home. Using reclaimed wood or incorporating old, repurposed and refinished items into your bedroom, bathroom, and general design can give your home a unique character while keeping in line with a more sustainable outlook. Also consider opting for materials like bamboo that are sustainable, ethically sourced and very versatile to use.

Switch to Energy Efficient Appliances

If you still have old, outdated appliances and fixtures throughout your home, it’s time to make the switch. Appliances account for up to 30% of your home energy use, and considering just how much we use and depend on them; upgrading can help to significantly save on energy usage and your monthly utility bills.

Avoid VOC Materials

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are found in many different areas around the home, such as paint, wood finishes, caulking and adhesives. So when you’re shopping around for items for the home, make sure to check the label to ensure it says “low-VOCs” or “zero-VOCs.”

Choose Environmentally Responsible Brands

When you’re renovating and redecorating your home, spend a little time researching some environmentally responsible brands and businesses that are making an effort to focus on environmentally-friendly products. You can help support their initiatives by using sustainable alternatives that won’t have a negative impact on our planet. When you’re looking for ideas to greenify your home, keep these tips in mind. By making a few adjustments one step at a time, you can drastically reduce your ecological footprint, while creating a healthier, happier, eco-friendly home for you and your family.  Contact us, of give us a call at (613)727-9427