Don’t Let Your Mobility Limitations Chase You Out of Your Home

Don't let your mobility limitations Chase you out of your
Make your home safer more accessible and easier to live in with well thought out mobility renovations.  A survey by the American association of retired persons found 90% of people age 65 to 74 would like to live out their years in their current homes. Yet many homes are still ill suited for the physical limitations and challenges that arrive with advancing age…don’t let your mobility limitations chase you out of your home.

The primary issues seniors and people with mobility limitations come across in most homes are:

  1. Space – Most homes don’t have enough open space in the appropriate area to allow easy maneuvering for people with mobility limitations, particularly those in wheelchairs or scooters
  2. Access – Counters cabinets and storage areas are designed for easy access for people who have no limitations on their reaching, bending or standing
  3. Safety – Storing heavy or large items, reaching across hot elements on the stove, retrieving linens from high shelf, taking a shower and other seemingly routine tasks can be very dangerous for people with mobility limitations
Unfortunately some home renovation contractors are beginning to realize the value in providing renovation services specifically to those with mobility limitations, I say unfortunately because most of these jack of all trade types have little experience with mobility aiding products and/or understanding the medical conditions of the clients Their lure of dirt cheap prices highlights the risk in hiring them…..trusting someone with your health should never be based on price.  RenosGroup is currently one of Ottawa’s only specialist in providing mobility limitation renovations….we don’t cut corners with your well being.    

“The more you’re renovator knows about you, the safer you’ll be in your home”

If your potential renovator can’t observe the nature and severity of your mobility limitations within the confines of your home they can’t possibly make your home safer or more accessible. Free estimates over the phone or in a showroom are not compatible with mobility limitation renovations. The RenosGroup team of renovators insists on a free in home consultation to ensure we get your renovation done right. Our free consultation service will allow us to understand your current limitations and take into consideration where your future health may lead. Our questions may seem personal, but they are invaluable in protecting your future quality of life within your home, and we will help you avoid future remodeling should your condition or those of your loved ones change Being in your home will allow our project manager to see exactly what kind of products you need to increase your comfort and make your mobility easier within your home. Mobility limitation Changes can include:
  • Whiter doorways
  • Lower counters and table tops for ease of access whether sitting or standing
  • Brighter lighting for increased visibility
  • Easy to grasp handles for all drawers and cabinet doors
  • Hand wheels on Both sides of all steps
  • Reflective non slip tape on all non carpeted stairs
  • Ease of movement, non slip floors and floor coverings
  • Shower stall or bathtub seat, so you can sit down while taking a shower
  • Strategically placed handrails in your bathroom for greater ease of use
  • Eddie handheld shower devices to give you increased independence
  • And many more
Please don’t wait to give us a call at (613) 727-9427 to get the ball rolling. You can also use this form to request a free in-home consultation and estimate.