Is Your Home Ready for Your Golden Years?

Is Your Home Ready for Your Golden Years?
More and more seniors are electing to stay in their homes today than ever before, giving up on the nursing home and instead choosing to stay in the home that they’ve known for some time to live out their golden years. Most of the time, this is the right call – especially if the seniors in question still have quite a bit of autonomy and aren’t going to struggle with a decrease in quality of life by staying home. At the same time, most homes require significant upgrades specifically with seniors in mind, is your home ready for your golden years at home? Mobility upgrades are some of the most important changes you can encourage your elderly loved one to make. If you are in charge of the home renovation project they are going to have to be first on your list. You don’t necessarily have to go with the relatively new “universal design principles” that make it effortless for elderly, disabled, and other mobility-challenged folks to restore independence, safety, and comfort. Still, it may not be a bad idea trying to get as close to that ideal as possible. To help you better navigate the world of home upgrades when you are dealing with a senior living situation, we put together a couple of tips and tricks below that you want to try and really zero in on.

The Bathroom Must Be Transformed

There are two spaces in your home that have to be completely transformed when you are going to have a senior living in them, and the bathroom is one of them. Daily hygiene is mission critical, but it’s also life supporting when you reach your elderly years. Not only do you want to have it effortless for your loved one to take care of themselves in the bathroom with well-designed fixtures and appliances, but you also want to make sure that slippery floors have been eliminated, shower stalls and walk-in bathtubs have been implemented, and bath seats and grab bars fill the space.

The Kitchen Must Also Be Transformed

The other space that must be transformed in the home is the kitchen. Being able to cook for themselves is going to be incredibly important for seniors that may not have the opportunity your ability to drive any longer. The kitchen is also the main entertaining and visiting space for most everyone that drops into spend time with a senior – and it has to be fully functional as well as safe. Smart upgrades to appliances, intelligently designed countertops and cupboards with easy access, and hands-free functions everywhere possible are going to be big upgrades that are always welcome in the kitchen. is the leading mobility renovations contractor in Ottawa! Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427 to schedule a free in-home consultation to evaluate your needs and transform your home for the golden years ahead.