Kitchen Renovation Stress?

Kitchen Renovation Stress

“Important decisions are easier when made from the comfort of your own home”

Here’s The Secret to taking the stress out of planning your kitchen renovation Ottawa Being in your home is the only way to precisely design your kitchen. It gives your renovator the opportunity to make note of your ventilation and electrical, to accurately measure the available space, match cabinets and tiles with existing colors of your home or pinpoint any barriers to work around.

Kitchen Renovation Ottawa

Our competitors don’t see it that way

Kitchen renovation  companies need you to visit their showrooms in order to control the purchasing relationship. It’s the only way they can expose you to their expensive floor and backsplash tiles color patterns and cabinet designs. But in the rush to sell you something they’ve missed one critical element even the best designer can’t accurately design your kitchen if they never been in the space unfortunately most of them will never set foot in your home without a deposit or retainer so much for free estimates Asking you to pay for a kitchen renovation plan before coming to your home is more than just impractical it’s irresponsible yet that’s the industry standard Exceeding industry standards is how we’ve separated ourselves from the competition

Our clients get more than a free estimate

RenosGroup offers a free in-home consultation for every prospective client complete with measurements and suggestions This isn’t rocket science…..knowing the measurements of the space we’re going to work in and identifying obstacles before the reservation begins provides you with a reliable cost analysis and makes the job significant easier for us you can go about your daily life without being distracted or experiencing undue stress and our company is able to get your renovation done more efficiently allowing us to take on more projects Of course our in home consultation doesn’t mean you get deprived of those wonderful soul room dreams…..we’ve created an online showroom to shop for products whenever it’s convenient and our professional project manager can help pick your toilet’s, cabinets and countertops online with you while in your own home.  This way you can see how your design plan accentuates your home’s current look. None of our clients have ever had to say, “it didn’t look that way in the store….” It’s a mystery to us why we’re one of the only kitchen renovation companies in Ottawa who operates under this philosophy Call (613) 727-9427 or contact us today for your free in home consultation and discover why RenosGroup is your only choice for creating your perfect you’re perfect kitchen renovation. *This page was previous main kitchen page*