Making Your Home Mobility-Friendly

Making Your Home Mobility-Friendly
If circumstances of your life have changed, or if someone in your family requires special assistance due to ill health or aging, moving homes may not be the right answer, and could actually do more harm than good. With the right renovation team adjustments can be made to your home in order to make it more mobile-friendly to help assist those with special health conditions.  Although the decision to go with mobility-friendly renovations can be a daunting thought it may be the best solution to your given circumstances. Before you embark on a mobile-friendly renovation here are some tips on making your home mobility friendly:


Cost is definitely the most important factor when deciding whether or not it is possible to go through with the renovation. Look at your current funds available and discuss your options with your family and your bank. Compared to the monthly cost of a decent retirement home, making your home mobility-friendly ultimately saves you quite a bit of money in the long run. Before you get started it is imperative you determine your maximum renovation budget before speaking to a mobility-friendly renovation team. By doing this you will see if the renovation is possible, and set aside a nest egg in case unexpected costs occur.


Before you start the renovation you should have an idea of what needs to be changed, and what else you would like to be adjusted. Some examples of professional mobility-renovations include:
    1. Wider doorways
    1. Lower counters
    1. Improved lighting
    1. Comfortable handles
    1. Handrails
    1. Non-slip tape
    1. Bathroom handrails
      Level flooring
    1. Adjustable shower devices


Once you have considered your budget and needs you can speak to a mobility renovation professional to help you come up with the design you need that will be both mobility and design friendly. They will be able to make suggestions to help avoid making your home look too clinical. Design plans can include the latest trends in home health care design and convenience chosen to complement the look of your home. You will have the comforts and assistance you need for mobility while maintaining a home that you will still find comfortable and stylish. These three important considerations will help prepare you for the changes your home will require. To make your home mobility-friendly please contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427