Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Renovation Program for Persons with Disabilities

Renovation Program for Persons with Disabilities
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers financial assistance to allow homeowners and landlords to pay for renovations to make their property more accessible to persons with disabilities. These modifications are intended to eliminate physical barriers, imminent safety risks and improve the ability to meet the demands of daily living within the home.  CMHC delivers renovation programs for persons with disabilities in Prince Edward Island, where the province cost-shares on a 75% federal / 25% provincial basis and in Yukon Territory. In other jurisdictions, Provinces and Territories may choose to design and deliver renovation programs that are cost-shared with the federal government. Information on Provincially/Territorially designed and delivered housing programs are provided under Provincial and Territorial Affordable Housing Links and Agreements. Who Can Apply? Homeowners and landlords may qualify for assistance if the property is eligible. Your property may be eligible for RRAP-D if the property: is occupied, or is intended to be occupied, by a low-income person with a disability; is rented and the rents are less than established levels for the area; or is owned and the house is valued below a certain amount; and does not have major deficiencies to the structure and systems. Eligible Renovations Renovations must be related to housing and reasonably related to the occupant’s disability. Examples of eligible renovations are ramps, handrails, chair lifts, bath lifts, height adjustments to countertops and cues for doorbells/fire alarms. If the cost for renovations is more than the maximum forgivable loan available, the owner will be required to cover the additional cost. Ineligible Renovations Therapeutic care, supportive care, and portable aid equipment, such as walkers and wheelchairs, are not eligible for funding. Renovations carried out before the RRAP for Persons with Disabilities loan is approved in writing are not eligible. Financial Assistance Assistance is in the form of a fully forgivable loan and does not have to be repaid if you adhere to the terms and conditions of the program. Landlords must enter into an agreement that establishes the rent that can be charged during the life of the agreement and restricts occupancy of the self-contained rental unit(s) to households with incomes below a set CMHC level. Homeowners must agree to continue to own the house during the loan forgiveness period, which could be up to five years. The loan amount you could receive varies according to the three geographic zones and if you are a homeowner or landlord To learn more about renovation program for persons with disabilities don’t hesitate to get in touch, you can fill out an online form or give us a call at (613) 727-9427.