The Top Home Design Trends

Top Home Design Trends
There are ranges of design trends that we predict will reign supreme, here are some top home design trends Looking forward to doing some interior design? Well then, you are in luck. There are ranges of design trends that we predict will reign supreme. Let’s take a moment to review what some of these styles are, and go into how they work within your home. In addition, we will consider where these things can be placed for maximum effect.

The Return Of The Accent Piece

Returning for another year in the spotlight, the accent piece comes with a slight variation. Accent pieces made by hand are taking central stage, showing off artisan work designed to provide significance and quality to any space. As always, the size, texture, and location of this accent piece is completely dependent on what you are interested in and the room you are accenting. Accent pieces can really set a room apart and are a great way to get an exclusive look at an affordable price.

Consider Encaustic Tiling

Encaustic tiles are unique in that they are made of clay instead of a glaze. The benefit of this is a slightly different texture as well as an incredible range of patterns and colouring. Encaustic tiles are finding their primary use in bathrooms, where they typically fit in quite nicely as a colourful flooring that juxtaposes against whites and muted colours of everything else. The Top Home Design Trends

Natural Fibre Rugs With Texture

Fine rugs are heading out in popularity. Taking their place are rugs and carpets with definable texture. Made from a number of different fibres, these carpets are typically bumpy and help to add much needed texture. They are most popularly used in living room spaces over hard wood floors.

And Of Course… Art Deco

Who can say no to art deco? Homeowners are choosing art deco designs for smaller spaces, utilizing intricate geometric patterning and a brash visual style to create a unique space for every room. When done right, art deco can transform a space, turning it into something truly unique.

Salvaged Wood

Throw away your pallet stools/cabinets and consider an alternative to the salvaged wood furniture movement. With different cuts of the tree providing a range of texture types and contrasting rough edges with smooth surfaces, salvaged wood furniture is simple to the point of basic, rugged, and fantastic looking when placed in the home. This increasingly popular form of salvaged wood is being used in home with little clutter, becoming the accent piece in any room. If you’re ready for a home renovation, don’t hesitate to  Contact us, or give us a call at (613)727-9427 for a free in-home consultation to start the process. Whether you want to follow the trends or make a style that’s all your own, our home renovation pros can make it happen.