If you are about to embark on the home renovations
Ottawa residents dream of, then you’ll want to be certain you understand the do’s and don’ts to avoid disappointment. Take a look at these suggestions for the top do’s and don’ts of home renovations:
Create a Decorating Idea: Going into even the simplest renovations Ottawa home owners undergo requires a good decorating
plan to ensure the changes made reflect your sense of style.
Measure: It all boils down to the old adage, measure twice cut once. You don’t want to ruin your entire plans by being off by an inch on your kitchen counter measurements. This is frustrating and worse, costly.
Interview Contractors: You want to be certain you hire someone with the right skill set for your specific job therefore interviewing contractors is important in order to hire someone who can handle the
renovations required.
Have Contingency Funds: Even the best contractor in the world cannot foresee every potential problem that might arise during a renovation. Therefore it is important to not only have a budget but a contingency fund to handle any surprises that might arise.
Organize: Make plans to work around the renovations so your family is still able to live as comfortable as possible until the work is complete.
Have Exposed Floors: When
renovating it is imperative that you don’t leave your finished floors exposed, as many things throughout the process can damage them. Workers boots, heavy products and materials, and dust are just a few of the things that can cause a problem. Consider laying down old blankets or tarps to ensure your floors are thoroughly protected.
Throw Out Receipts: Keep each and every receipt for everything you buy and every service you hire in case of conflicts or a change of heart.
Buy Your Own Materials: Your contractor will get far better deals than you on materials. If you see something you like let them know and they will get it for you.
Skip the Prep Work: Great
renovations Ottawa home owners love start with great beginnings. Skipping the prep works just means you are starting with a poorly planned execution which can only lead to trouble down the road.
Ignore the Accents: Factor in everything from light switch plates to lighting, back splashes to door knobs and everything in between. You don’t want to run out of money because you forgot about all of the finishing touches you will need from crown moulding to paint.
Using these top do’s and don’ts of home renovations will help keep your renovations under control. To get in touch to schedule renovations, you can fill out an
online form or give us a call at
(613) 727-9427.