Excellent Basement Renovations in Kanata

Basement Renovation Ottawa – Tweed Avenue
Is the basement in your Kanata home a tad underwhelming? Are you currently using it to store boxes and not much else? Then it would be best if you renovated with us at RenosGroup. We offer the highest quality basement renovations Kanata has to offer. Our team can help you develop a purpose for your basement so that it’s no longer wasted space. It’s a sad fact that the basement is the most underutilized room in the home. All too often, homeowners end up using their basements for storage or laundry only. That’s a shame because your basement has a boatload of potential. With our capabilities at RenosGroup, the only limit is your imagination. We’ll help you transform your dull basement into something extraordinary. So if you want to find a unique use for your basement in Kanata, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn what we can do for your basement at RenosGroup.

Reasons to Renovate Your Basement in Kanata

Kanata is a fast-paced, highly technological suburb of Ottawa. It’s the largest suburb and has a diverse population. There are also many styles of homes in the area. Kanata Lakes boasts high-end housing that has all the latest technological bells and whistles. Older neighborhoods have more affordable housing, but still, they retain lots of charm. These homes may cost less, but they’re still beautiful and well-built. If you call Kanata home, then the chances are that you love where you live. It’s safe, family-friendly, and has excellent schools. Yet, there are still lots of reasons why you may want to renovate your home. That way, you can address all your home’s issues and turn it into the house of your dreams. We’d love to help you do just that at RenosGroup. In particular, there are many reasons why you should renovate your basement. That’s especially true if your basement currently has no purpose. Your basement is a large part of your home. It would be a total waste not to use it for something. That’s where renovations come into the picture. Here are a few of the most common reasons to renovate your basement.

Unused Space

Basement Renovation Ottawa - Maricona Way This is by far the biggest reason to renovate your basement. If you’re like most homeowners, then your basement is idle space without a purpose. You may store boxes and various items there or do your laundry. Well, there’s no reason to waste any square footage that you have available. So if your basement is vacant, renovating can turn it into something special. For example, why not turn your basement into a guest room? That way, you have a place to accommodate friends and family whenever they stay. Instead of being an empty room with some boxes in it, we can transform it into a hotel-esque guest room. You could also gift yourself with a gaming room/man cave. Since you aren’t using your basement, it’s the perfect location for all your fancy toys. You can set up a TV with video game systems, a pool table, and even a fully functional bar. Maybe now you can see why not using your basement is such a waste. There are tons of fun uses you can create for your basement. So if you wish your home had some extra space for creativity, don’t rule out your basement! You can use it to create a room that you’ve always wanted.

Add Value to Your Home

Are you planning on selling your home in Kanata? Maybe you want to upgrade to a high-end home in Kanata Lakes. If so, then finishing your basement will add to your resell value. An unfinished basement won’t do you any favors when trying to sell your house. Which home would you rather buy? Option one is a home with a basement with cracks in the floor, laundry everywhere, and unfinished walls. Option two has a basement that doubles as a second living room. There’s a full bar, sofa, TV, and wine racks. Obviously, option two is a far more desirable basement. As a result, that home will sell for more money than option one. So if you’re planning on selling your home, then finishing your basement is a must. It may cost you to fix it up, but you’ll end up selling your home for a lot more money.

Save Money on Utility Bills

Another reason to undergo basement renovations in Kanata is to save money. That may seem counterintuitive, as renovating costs money. Yet, there’s a good reason why finishing your basement will save you money in the long run. It all has to do with how hard your HVAC units have to work to heat/cool your basement. If your basement is unfinished, then the chances are that it isn’t sealed. Not only that, but unfinished/open walls will let in heat and cold like nobody’s business. If your Kanata home has an unfinished basement, then it’s killing your utility bill. Picture this, it’s freezing outside, and your basement is letting cold air inside. As such, your heater has to work twice as hard to maintain the temperature in your basement. If you renovate and finish your basement, that won’t happen. Your basement will stay completely sealed, not letting in any heat or cold air. Your heater won’t have to overwork itself to maintain the temperature in your basement. Therefore, you won’t have to spend as much on energy each month. These savings can be very significant and will eventually pay for the cost of the renovations.

More Family Space

Lastly, a big reason homeowners renovate their basements is because there’s a baby on the way. They’ve already used up all the bedrooms upstairs, so it’s time to turn the basement into a nursery. That, or transfer one of the older children into the basement. Either way, you’ll need to renovate to accommodate your growing family. Renovations can turn a four-bedroom home into a five-bedroom house. It’s crucial to remember that your basement can serve as an extra bedroom. That way, if you end up adding to your family, your children won’t have to share bedrooms. You can use us at RenosGroup to help you transform your dull basement into a vibrant children’s room.

Basement Renovation Ideas in Kanata

Since we offer the best basement renovations Kanata has available; we’re diverse in what we can do. If you aren’t sure what you want to do with your basement, here are some ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
  • A home theater. At our company, we’ve built many a home theater for our clients. If your basement is sitting idle and you have some extra money to play with, why not add a home theater? You’ll have a blast inviting your friends and family over for regular movie nights. We can hook you up with theater seating, projectors, sound systems, and more. So if you’re a giant movie nerd, this is a great way to repurpose your basement in Kanata.
  • A hotel suite. Do you have regular guests at your home? Then why not repurpose your basement into a hotel suite? You can add a bathroom, kitchenette, and bedroom area with the help of our team. Your guests will love having their own space while visiting your home. Not only that, but it will save them the expense of having to get a hotel room elsewhere. Besides letting friends stay, you can rent out your basement as an Airbnb to make some extra income.
  • A bar/wine cellar. We love hooking up our clients with wine cellars, racks, and bars in their basements. If you love entertaining your friends with tasty cocktails, a home bar is a must. We can pull out all the stops for you, including draft beer, a bar sink, neon lights, and more. Of course, we’ll help you design a sleek display for all your bottles. The same is true if you’re a wine aficionado. Let us help you set up a proper wine cellar with impressive racks, lighting, and more.
  • An open floor plan. If you like to mix and match, then an open floor plan is perfect for your basement. That way, you can enjoy multiple purposes for the space. By using rugs to separate each area, you can set up a gym, a bar, and a TV area, all in one. Open floor plans help you make the most out of every square inch in your basement. So if you want to get the best of both worlds, going with an open floor plan is a great idea.
  • A kid’s playroom. Are you sick and tired of stubbing your toes on action figures and Barbie dolls? Then you need to designate the basement as the playroom/toy room. Having children means lots of toys and devices lying around, but it doesn’t have to be that way. By transforming your basement into a children’s wonderland, they won’t ever want to go upstairs. That way, all their toys can stay neatly organized downstairs. You’ll enjoy peace of mind upstairs knowing that you won’t slip on a toy race car and have to go to the hospital.

Why Choose RenosGroup for Basement Renovations in Kanata?

All right, now that you know why renovating your basement is a good idea, why should you choose us? After all, aren’t lots of contractors in Kanata and Ottawa? Yes, there are, but they aren’t on our level. There are many reasons why we stand above all the competition at RenosGroup. Here are some of the main reasons why you should choose us and ignore the rest.

Free In-Home Consultations

First and foremost, we’re the only contractors offering free in-home consultations. That’s right; we will travel to your home without charging you a dime. Our in-home consultations are genuinely free. If you decide not to renovate, we’ll leave without charging you anything at all for the consult. Other contractors in the area will charge you before ever seeing your property. Instead, they’ll want you to meet them at their showrooms. That way, they can upsell you on their most expensive products before seeing your home. In other words, they don’t have your best interests in mind. They won’t work based on your needs. Instead, they already know what they want to do for your space. We’re different at RenosGroup. It’s our goal to put the power in your hands. It’s your home, so you should get the final say on what happens during your renovations. During our consultation, we’ll take detailed measurements. That way, we know for sure that we can make your wants and desires a reality. We’ll also provide you with an accurate quote.

An Elite-Level Team

Our team consists of:
  • Construction workers
  • Plumbers
  • Electricians
  • Carpenters
  • Interior designers
  • More
As you can see, we have a very diverse team of specialists. Since we do all our work under one roof, we never have to use subcontractors. We’re all highly trained, experienced, and educated in our respected areas. We write all our contracts in plain English, and we never feature any hidden fees or clauses. We want nothing more than to provide you with your dream renovations. Let us help you make your home into something new and unique. If your home has grown dull and tiresome, then it’s time to breathe new life into the space. No other contracting company can knock it out of the park for you as we can. Our interior designer will help you come up with an exciting visual look. From there, our construction workers and carpenters will make that look a reality. Our plumbers and electricians will add the final touches.

Concluding Thoughts

As you can see, we provide the absolute best basement renovations Kanata has to offer. At RenosGroup, we’re committed to giving you exactly what you want out of your renovations. So if you live in Kanata and would love to freshen things up, please don’t wait to reach out to us. To get in touch to schedule renovations, you can fill out an online form or give us a call at (613) 727-9427.