Kitchen Renovation Ottawa – Lorraine Ave

Kitchen Renovation Ottawa - Lorraine Ave
Kitchen Renovation Ottawa - Lorraine Ave

Kitchen Renovation Ottawa – Lorraine Avenue

Renosgroup is here at your service, providing the best kitchen renovations in Ottawa at Lorraine Ave. No matter what you have got in mind, whether it be cosmetic kitchen renovations or an entire remodeling plan, our team can do it all for you. To give you a great insight into how our team functions and ensures to make the vision of all our clients come true, here is a brief description of a kitchen renovation project in Lorraine Ave, Ottawa.

Our client previously had a very rustic kitchen and wanted to move away from it by opting for a contemporary feel. So, we got to work on a contemporary kitchen that would also tie in perfectly with the rest of their house.

We first retiled the kitchen floor with custom off-white and beige tiles, after which we installed an L-shaped kitchen countertop along the walls. This countertop had many drawers and cabinets, perfect for storing kitchen equipment and utensils. Finally, the countertop was completed with an under-mount steel sink, perfect for washing.

Cabinets that looked exactly like the countertop were then installed overhead the countertop to create an easy system of access throughout the kitchen. We then fitted our client’s new stovetop and oven, complete with an overhead exhaust between the countertops and cabinets, to give a uniform feel. The oven placement also ensured that our clients could do their cooking with ample space to move around.

Cabinets were installed at the other end of the kitchen, allowing a single countertop and refrigerator to fit. Of course, we also created a specific nook for the microwave above the single countertop.

So, if you’re looking for the best kitchen renovations, you’ve got it. You can call us now at (613) 727-9427 or fill out our online form to book your appointment today. 

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