Bathroom Renovation Ottawa – Mailes Avenue

Bathroom Renovation Ottawa – Mailes Avenue, Ottawa
Bathroom Renovation Ottawa – Mailes Avenue, Ottawa

Bathroom Renovation Ottawa – Mailes Avenue, Ottawa

Bathrooms are an integral part of a modern home, and thus it is important to revamp them with time. The bathroom renovation at Mailes Avenue, Ottawa, the work our team did, was not only extremely modern but also chic. The challenge for this bathroom was to make use of the space effectively while also making it look aesthetic.

Firstly for this, we decided to get tiles that would add personality to the place without being very extra. This was done when we added white and black tiles. White was a base color, on which flowers were created with black. This gave the bathroom a tidy look while being extremely modern.

Next, we installed the tub. For the tub, we got an acrylic one. The tub we went for was a white one and was not only easy to maintain and clean but also looked sleek. Once this was added, we also added tiles to the tub surround. The tiles we went for were brick-styled white tiles. Once the tiles were installed, they complemented the floor and looked extremely classy.

Along with this, we also added accessories to the tub. We added a faucet as well as a removable hand shower as well as adding a window to the bathroom with frosted glass. Once this was done, we started working on the toilet. For the toilet, a dual flush toilet that would minimize water usage was perfect, and thus that was installed.

Lastly, we installed a sink for the bathroom as well. For the sink, we went with a square under-mounted sink with a vanity that was white as well with three drawers as well, as light fixtures for the sink area.

All in all, the toilet, tub, sink, tiling, and floor complimented each other, and we were able to make use of the compact space easily for the bathroom renovation at Mailes Avenue, Ottawa. If you also are looking for a similar bathroom, call Renosgroup right now for a free quote by filling out this online form or simply call us at (613) 727-9427.

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